Centre for Health Economics Financing and Technology Assessment (CHEFTA)

Health Economics

Health Financing

Health Technology Assessment

At CHEFTA, we apply health economics to support evidence generation and synthesis for policy decisions. Our team has expertise in political economy analysis, health system efficiency and policy analysis, micro-costing, micro and macroeconomic modelling, measuring health equity, benefit incidence analysis, planning and budgeting, health preference research, health utility and quality of life, decision science using mathematical modelling, economic evaluation and systematic reviews. 



CHEFTA’s health financing work generates evidence on health system functions of revenue  raising, pooling, strategic purchasing, and benefits backage developement design. We work with stakeholders on health accounts, taxes, budgets and insurance policies to increase domestic resource mobilisation, enable efficiency in resource allocation, reduce out of pocket payment and increase preditability of health financing. Our work has included budget impact analysis of the Zambia national health insurance scheme (NHIS), and  review of strageic purchansing for the Zambia NHIS among others. 

An increasing number of low-and middle-income countries yielded to the World Health Assembly’s recommendation to use Health Technology Assessment (HTA) to inform priority-setting decisions supporting universal health coverage, including the design of benefit packages. Our HTA work at CHEFTA, increases evidnece on HTA to support decisions on new health technology and the disinvesment of old technology using explicit criteria developed with stakeholders including clinical efficicancy, cost effectiveness, budget impact, social and ethical acceptance and equity concerns. We support market access initiatives to steer access to health technology that increase the quality of life of citizens. 

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